Delivering Results Beyond Expectations.

Results That Matter.

The Rae Michelle Group (TRMG) is the management consulting firm that specializes in delivering the result-driven solutions that are precisely what your organization is looking for in each moment! We dedicate ourselves to finding the right ways to solve the widespread issues that can cripple development, morale, efficiency, and profit.

TRMG can handle all problems in a wide variety of fields, so whether you're a municipality, higher education institution, nonprofit or religious organization, or for-profit business, TRMG will get you the results that matter every time!

Backed by years of experience, TRMG focuses on expanding technology and following leading industry practices! TRMG has the know-how, talent, and ability to help you reshape and upgrade your organization to tackle all challenges that may arise now and in the long term future!

Contact us now and start witnessing the change and results that matter!

What Makes TRMG Different.


The dedication and skills from years of practice and experience.


The Choices and solutions that are guaranteed to reinvent the wheel of your organization’s success.


Your success is our success, and TRMG will stop at nothing for the the mutual benefit of us all.



Long term solutions that can handle any problems at any moment without fail.


Unique solutions tailored specifically to your organization.

Results Driven.

Tangible and immediate results that will change your organization's outlook.

TRMG’s Approach.


TRMG gets to the heart of the problem by combing through every area of your organization to find areas for improvement to ramp up your efficiency to the next level. Every issue has an innate solution for us to find, and we will stop at nothing until we can come up with the timeline that will give your workforce and goals the boost they need to get back on top of the game.




TRMG does everything we can to find the right solutions for your organization that will then be implemented seamlessly. TRMG considers every possibility and narrows them down to find the one that will get you back on track each time. There's no challenge too great that TRMG can't overcome together.



TRMG will work with your organization in every way possible to make each transition happen as smoothly as possible. TRMG's solutions are multi-pronged to solve as many problems at once with the exact methods needed for every case. We offer direct and clear communication to ensure our partnership is everything you've been looking for.



TRMG will provide ongoing support in which guidelines and process documents are provided for our clients. As your organization evolves, TRMG will work with you to update your action plan to align with your changing business needs. TRMG will help guide and assist in planning, training, and troubleshooting.